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General Educational Development (GED)

The General Educational Development (GED) Program is designed for persons who were once enrolled in school, but for various reasons, did not complete the requirements for high school graduation.

Classes are available for people who wish to develop or refresh the skills necessary for the successful completion of the GED test. Students are encouraged to take the GED test when their progress indicates their readiness.

The GED program is offering two virtual Google classrooms and one hybrid class for Fall and Winter sessions.  The hybrid class is one night virtual and one night in person. You will need to place into any of these classes. You will need a valid email address upon registration.

Contact Jerri Young if you have any GED questions.

Jerri Young, GED Coordinator


(703) 228-7220

Placement Assessments

Our new GED Prep course will begin in January, 2025.

New adult students are required to take a Reading and Math assessment to ensure proper course placement. Placement dates will be provided on this page towards the end of October.

Adult GED Preparation Classes

GED Preparation Level 4

A combination of traditional teacher-led classes and individualized instruction is included. Course will cover all four subjects of the GED test.
14-week Mornings 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Cost $129
GE-015A ONLINE 09/09 – 12/20  Joseph Mon./Wed./Fri.

14-week Evenings 6 pm – 8:30 pm Cost $89
GE-015B Syphax Ctr. 108 9/09 – 12/18  Van Buren Mon./Wed.
(Please note: Monday classes are online and Wednesdays are in-person)



GED Preparation Class Math Only

Prerequisite: Must have passed all subjects of the GED test, except math.
13-week program meeting Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. A combination of traditional teacher-led classes and individualized instruction. Course will concentrate on math skills needed for the GED test.
Cost: $89
GE-018 ONLINE 9/16 – 12/18  Joseph Mon./Wed.

GED Preparation Level 3

14-week program meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. A combination of traditional teacher-led classes and individualized instruction. Course will concentrate on improving Writing, Reading, and Math skills.
Cost: $89
GE-014 Kenmore 291 9/10 – 12/19  Gonzalez/Long Tues./Thurs.

Pre-GED Preparation Level 2

14-week class meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. A combination of traditional teacher-led classes and individualized instruction. Course will concentrate on improving Writing, Reading, and Math skills.
Cost: $89
GE-013 Kenmore 289 9/10 – 12/27  Dozier Tues./Thurs.

Basic Math Class

14-week class meeting Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. A combination of traditional teacher-led classes and individualized instruction. Course will concentrate on basic Math skills.
Cost: $89
GE-012 Kenmore 291 9/09 – 12/18  Castellanos  Mon./Wed.


Se ofrecen clases de repaso de las materias abajo indicadas, las que ayudaran a desarrollar Ia preparacion necesaria  para pasar el examen del GED, y obtener el Certificado de Equivalencia de Educacion Secundaria otorgado por el Estado de Virginia.

Requisitos: Haber completado Ia mayoria de los estudios secondaries o demostrar elconocimiento basicos de lectura, escritura y matemaficas. Materias de EstudioMatematicas (aritmetica, algebra, geometria), ciencias, lectura y redaccion yestudios sociales.

Matricula:  $89

Lugares  y Horario:  Lunes y miercoles de 7:00p.m. a 9:00p.m.

Las clases empiezan el Fall 2023     9/09 – 12/18    (14 semanas, no hay clases cuando hay un feriado).

Codigo: GE-003    Profesores: Downs/Sparks  Kenmore M.S. Sala #290

GED Test Information

The 2014 GED test is given on the computer and there are 4 subjects. All 4 subjects do not need to be taken in one sitting. Students are encouraged to take one to two subjects at a time.

  • Reasoning through Language Arts is 150 minutes
  • Mathematical Reasoning is 115 minutes
  • Science is 90 minutes, and
  • Social Studies is 70 minutes.

Test-takers will need to reach a score of 145 on each subject of the GED® test to pass the test.

If you plan to register for the GED Test in English or Spanish it must be done online. Go to www.ged.com, sign-up/create an account, then register for the test.

The GED test is taken at a Pearson Vue Testing Center.

Need a copy of your GED Transcript? Go to www.ged.com, at the top of the page is a tab that says Grads and Transcripts, click on tab and then order transcript and certificate