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Your Voice Matters @ APS Survey

The deadline to complete the Your Voice Matters @ APS Survey has been extended to April 5, 2024. For anyone who has not received their survey link or requires assistance, please do not hesitate to contact engage@apsva.us or call and text 571-200-2770 to receive an individual access code. If you need assistance during spring break between April 25-29 when APS offices are closed, please contact Panorama Education at support+arlingtonva@panoramaed.com

As part of our ongoing commitment to engaging with and listening to our community, Arlington Public Schools (APS) is excited to launch the 2024 administration of the Your Voice Matters @ APS (YVM) survey, which is conducted jointly by APS and the Arlington Partnership for Children, Youth and Families (APCYF). The YVM survey is a voluntary survey conducted once every other school year and will be administered between February 20, 2024 – April 5, 2024 this school year.

The YVM survey is a cornerstone in our strategy to understand and address the needs, concerns, and aspirations of our students, staff, and families. In addition, the survey is designed to capture specific feedback on essential topics such as safety, health, well-being, engagement, and more.

Why Your Participation Matters

  • Vital Insights: Every single response plays a pivotal role in helping us understand the diverse needs and concerns of the APS community. This collective input enables us to make informed decisions that benefit everyone here at APS.
  • Making a Difference: Feedback from previous YVM surveys has already led to significant changes and improvements. With the new requirement for all schools and departments to annually create an action plan based on this feedback, your voice is more critical than ever in shaping our future. (View the School and Department Action Plans)
  • Tracking Progress: Conducted every two years, the YVM survey allows us to measure our progress and adapt to the changing needs of our community, ensuring continuous improvement.

Our Collaborative Effort

  • Strategic Impact: The insights gathered through YVM are integral to our strategic planning, directly aligning with the newly adopted APS 2024-30 Strategic Plan. This ensures we stay on track to meet our goals and performance objectives.
  • Transparency and Accessibility: The results of the YVM survey will be shared with the entire community through the YVM dashboard. We are committed to transparency, showing how your feedback informs our future actions and policies.
  • Inclusivity: We encourage participation from everyone. Hearing a wide range of perspectives is essential for inclusive decision-making that truly represents our diverse community.

Survey Administration & Confidentiality

  • Survey Administration: Having a unique code for each survey prevents any one student, staff member, or family from having more than one input into the survey results. Additionally, this allows Panorama to report on a variety of demographics for APS.  For example, we will be able to compare special education student responses to the overall population and various racial groups against the overall population because of how the survey was set up with Panorama.
  • Survey Confidentiality: All survey responses are confidential and respondents are encouraged to be candid in their responses. The survey is distributed through the third-party vendor Panorama Education and all data is maintained by this third-party vendor in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Student Data Usage and Privacy Agreement (SDUPA)

By participating in the YVM survey, your insights will not only be heard, but will be instrumental in steering the course of APS. The insights gathered will be pivotal in shaping policies, enhancing educational programs, and ensuring a supportive and safe environment for our students and staff. Together, we can create a thriving educational environment for all students, staff, and families.

Feedback from previous administrations of the Your Voice Matters @ APS Survey is available on the YVM Survey Insights webpage. 

View the VYM Survey Insights Webpage

YVM Survey Details

Survey Dates
February 20, 2024 to April 5, 2024

The survey is entirely voluntary, but highly encouraged. We value every voice in our community and your feedback is fundamental in shaping the future of APS.

Topics Covered
The survey encompasses a range of topics including school and community safety, health and well-being, engagement, and more. This is your opportunity to let us know what is working and what needs improvement.

How to Participate in the Survey

Everyone will receive an individualized link to complete the survey via email. The survey can be completed online, at your convenience, within the survey window.

We aim to make this process as inclusive and accessible as possible. If you require any assistance or alternative formats, please contact us at engage@apsva.us.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General FAQs:

Q: Can I start the survey, exit, and come back to it later with the responses saved?

A: No, your responses will not be saved. You need to complete the survey in one session.

Q: Can I skip a question?

A: Yes, you can skip a question. This is the best solution for any question(s) that may not be relevant or that you feel you cannot answer accurately.

Q: How often will response rates be posted?

A: They will be updated on the intranet weekly.

Q: Is the survey confidential?

A: All individual responses are confidential and are maintained by our third party vendor, Panorama Education. Individual responses are not shared with APS staff at schools or division level offices. Data is only broken down into demographic subgroups that include ten or more respondents to protect confidentiality. For staff, Panorama asks for your employee ID to remove you from the weekly email reminders once you have completed the survey. However, the employee ID question is optional, and staff may elect to leave this question blank.

Q: How should we on the school-level track student response rates?

A: To ensure confidentiality, no one in APS will know who has responded to the survey. We can provide aggregate response rates, indicating that 100 students are expected to respond and there are only 80 recorded responses.Many schools find it helpful for proctors to note who was unable to take the survey due to absences, scheduling conflicts, or technology issues.The coordinator can then follow-up to ensure those students can take the survey at a later date. Schools will not be penalized if you do not achieve a 100% response rate. The intent is to allow all students the opportunity to be heard and to have reliable and useful data. However, we realize there are many reasons why some students may be unable to take the survey.

Q: How should we interpret the posted response rates?

A: The posted response rates are intended to help schools have ongoing awareness of response rates during the survey window so that schools aren’t surprised by teacher, staff, or family response rates once results are posted. It is understood that many schools have scheduled student surveys or staff meeting time to be given later in the survey window. Family response rates are the most difficult to control and promote, so primary focus will be on monitoring those rates and allowing schools to provide each other with advice on strategies to increase those rates or to ask for support to help increase those rates as needed, during the survey window.

Student Survey FAQs:

Q: Do all students need to complete the survey at the same time or could our school schedule different blocks of time for each classroom to complete the survey?

A: Students do not need to complete the survey at the same time. Your school can spread out the time and date that best fits their schedule, but we recommend your internal window occur within the same one-week time span.

Q: How long will it take students to complete the survey?

A: The survey length will depend upon the age and reading-level of the student taking the survey. For some it may take as a little as 15 and others may require up to 45. The survey will not save mid-way so time should be allotted for students to complete the survey in one sitting. Therefore, scheduling 45 minutes would help ensure a smoother survey-taking experience.

Q: How can I help students access the link?

A: Some strategies to assist with students accessing the link would be use a QR code, a tiny url, or to add the link to existing classroom pages in Canvas, Google Classroom, or other platforms being utilized by your school. Younger students may have difficulty opening a browser and typing in a url, so any effort to make it clickable or preloaded for them will save time.

Q: How do students access the survey?

A: When prompted to enter the access code, students should enter their Student ID and then click Submit.

Q: How can we ensure that students only take the survey once?

A: Each student survey is linked to their access code (Student ID). Once they have completed the survey their access will become inactive.

Q: What if we have a student who has been enrolled all school year and their ID is not working?

A: The student’s parents/guardians may have opted the student out for the SEL Survey being administered later in March. Because the YVM and SEL Survey are being given roughly at the same time, because we the same vendor for both surveys, and because the content of both asks students about school, community, and their opinions, any student who was opted out of the SEL Survey was removed from the YVM administration list as well. We can add-back any student who has a parent that wants their student to take YVM but not SEL. Written permission from the parent can be sent to engage@apsva.us.

Family Survey FAQs:

Q: Will every parent/guardian receive a survey or just one per household?

A: The survey link for the family survey will be emailed to the guardian listed as Primary Email/Primary Guardian in the ParentVue system. Instructions will inform the family member to complete one survey per school, with the oldest child in mind. Therefore, each family receives one survey per each school a child is enrolled sent only to Primary Guardian. There may be some families who listed a different primary guardian for each child. Therefore, one parent/guardian may receive a survey for one school and the other parent/guardian may receive a survey for the other school.

Q: Will communication with families occur at the district level?

A: At the central level communication will go out through the typical channels -Friday Five, ParentSquare, Engage with APS, etc.

Staff Survey FAQs:

Q: How frequently will staff receive reminder emails?

A: Panorama Education will manage the reminder process. Their system is designed to be able to send reminders only to staff who have not yet responded. During the survey window, reminders are sent every Friday and Monday from support+arlingtonva@panoramaed.com.

Q: Staff emails went out Tuesday, February 22, but some staff say they haven’t received an email yet. What should they do?

A: The email sender will be Panorama Education Team from support+arlingtonva@panoramaed.com with the subject line “Your Voice Matters Survey- Reminder”. If you search for the sender or subject line and still don’t find an email, please email support+arlingtonva@panoramaed.com to have the survey re-sent


Student Survey Questions

Please visit one of the following links to view the questions that will be asked on the survey. 

Student Surveys for Grades 4 – 5

Student Surveys for Grades 6 – 12 

Student Opt-Out Information

We understand and respect the choice of families who may decide not to participate. The deadline to opt-out student(s) from participating in this survey was February 8, 2024; however, students have the option to skip specific questions when completing the survey if they are unsure of how to answer it.

Opting out is a simple process, and we assure you that there will be no consequences for choosing not to participate.

Since the survey is voluntary, only students are required to opt-in since the test is administered to students in class during the survey administration window.

 YVM Student Opt-Out Forms

For additional information or questions about the Your Voice Matters @ APS Survey, please email engage@apsva.us or call and text 571-200-2770.