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Naloxone Training for High School Students

Arlington Addiction and Recovery Initiative (AARI) will be providing Naloxone training for Arlington Public Schools high school students on the following days:

  • Thu, June 1 from 7- 8 p.m. at Washington-Liberty High school (Little Theater)
  • Mon, June 5 from 6- 7 p.m. at Wakefield High School (A-134-conf. room)

Learn how to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose and save a life. This free 1 HOUR training will teach the basics on the opioid epidemic and how to recognize and respond to an overdose.   At the completion of the training, free NARCAN nasal spray will be provided to save a life! Students interested in training but cannot attend either live event, see AARI’s Virtual training dates this summer. As a reminder to families, high school students can carry Naloxone in school with parent/guardian consent. Additional information is online.

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World Languages Credit by Exam (CBE) registration is now open. Register by Fri, Sept. 27.

Bullying and Cyberbullying Reminders and Reporting

APS is dedicated to fostering a safe school environment by providing students and families with tools to prevent bullying and cyberbullying, while encouraging responsible behavior both online and offline.