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Deaf and Hard of Hearing & Audiological Services

Educational Audiology Services

girl with hearing aid

Our Educational Audiologist team for APS students with hearing loss:

  • Interprets behavioral and electrophysiological evaluations for educational teams.
  • Collaborates with students, families, and educational teams regarding the implications and educational impact of identified hearing loss.
  • Consults with private audiologists, medical personnel, school health nurses, and state agencies to address the student’s individual communication and academic needs.
  • Conducts hearing screenings.
  • Collaborates with manufacturers and APS personnel in the selection and use of classroom hearing amplification technology.
  • Provides training and technical assistance of hearing technology within the classroom for both the student and teachers.

Contact Information:

Dr. Gina Gomez, Audiologist

Dr. Melissa Goble, Audiologist

Susan Thomas, Audiologist


Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

Smiling deaf girl using sign language

The itinerant Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing students provides educational support to students in a variety of educational settings throughout Arlington County.  The type and level of services are determined by the IEP team and may include:

  • Direct instruction (tutoring, pre-teaching, individualized instruction).
  • Monitoring classroom performance and use of amplification equipment.
  • Teaching sign language (IEP team decision).
  • Training staff on strategies for teaching students with hearing loss.
  • Supporting and educating teachers on impact of hearing loss.
  • Teaching self-advocacy skills.

Contact Information:

Eileen Warren, Itinerant Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist

Laura Yellin, Itinerant Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist

Morgan Lee, Itinerant Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist