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Engaged Workforce

Recruit, hire, and invest in a high-quality and diverse workforce to ensure APS is the place where talented individuals choose to work.


  • Strong recruitment and hiring as well as strong staff retention
  • Evaluation processes provide actionable feedback for all staff
  • Employees are included, respected, and supported
  • Information is readily accessible to all staff in order for them to do their jobs effectively
  • Visionary leadership is demonstrated while supporting high expectations that balance the needs of all stakeholders

Performance Objectives

  • By 2024, at least 70% of APS staff will respond favorably that opportunities for professional learning meet their needs, as indicated on the Your Voice Matters survey. (PO-EW-1)
  • By 2024, APS staff will respond at the 75th percentile or better on staff engagement and climate, as indicated by the Your Voice Matters survey. (PO-EW-2)
  • By 2024, all staff participate in training that meets or exceeds industry standards for their position. (PO-EW-3)


  • Recruit, retain, and advance high-quality employees. (S-EW-1)
  • Provide growth opportunities by implementing a competency-based professional learning and evaluation framework inclusive of all staff members. (S-EW-2)
  • Grow and develop current and future high-quality leader/managers. (S-EW-3)
  • Develop integrated approaches that promote employee health and wellness. (S-EW-4)
  • Establish intentional and focused recruitment and retention efforts to bolster a diverse workforce. (S-EW-5)
  • Ensure leader/managers have access to high-quality workforce data.(S-EW-6)

Desired Outcomes

  • APS staff are healthy. (O-EW-1)
  • The APS employee diversity profile reflects the Arlington resident diversity profile.(O-EW-2)
  • The APS teacher diversity profile reflects the student diversity profile.(O-EW-3)
  • Staff experience a positive work climate.(O-EW-4)
  • Staff are positively engaged in their job and in their work location.(O-EW-5)
  • Staff participate in PL supporting certification requirements for their position.(O-EW-6)
  • Staff participate in PL aligned with the divisions’ competency needs.(O-EW-7)
  • Employees have the skills to move into leadership positions. (O-EW-8)
  • Staff participate in meaningful PL aligned with their personal growth needs.(O-EW-9)

Additional Data

  • Teacher Quality – Results for teacher capability and capacity including student-teacher ratios in grades K-7, student-teacher ratios in grades 8-12, teacher educational attainment, provisionally licensed teachers, and the percentage of classes in schools, school divisions and the state taught by teachers not fully certified in the content area. (VDOE School Quality Profiles)
  • Staff Perspectives on Workplace Environment – Results for staff perceptions on the APS workplace environment including engagement, health, safety, support, and voice. (Your Voice Matters Survey)
  • Salaries – Comparisons of APS to local school division salaries for Teachers, Instructional Assistants, Bus Drivers, and School Board Members. (WABE Guide) (Open the file for the year of interest and click on desired Salaries link in the index.)