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Student Success

Ensure that every student is challenged and engaged while providing multiple pathways for student success by broadening opportunities, building support systems, and eliminating barriers. APS will eliminate opportunity gaps so all students achieve excellence.


  • All students are academically challenged
  • Access to personalized learning opportunities
  • Multiple pathways to graduation
  • Engagement in activities that reflect college and career opportunities and provide the opportunity to learn about andexperience workplace expectations and career options
  • Access to all curriculum, options schools, and programs without barriers

Performance Objectives

  • By 2024, APS will reduce opportunity gaps for all reporting groups on state assessments. (PO-SS-1)
  • By 2024, all elementary and middle school students will annually demonstrate growth by a minimum of one level using district assessments and students performing at the advanced level will continue to perform at the advanced level. (PO-SS-2)


  • Embed the 5Cs (critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship skills) into curriculum and instruction. (S-SS-1)
  • Deliver curriculum through innovative and relevant instruction that is differentiated to meet the diverse needs of each student. (S-SS-2)
  • Provide learning opportunities in a variety of settings, times, and formats that include opportunities for students to align knowledge, skills, and personal interests with career and higher educational opportunities including internships and externships. (S-SS-3)
  • Address unconscious racial bias by implementing implicit bias training throughout APS. (S-SS-4)

Desired Outcomes

  • Students achieve at the level of their peers, irrespective of race, ethnicity, gender, home or native language, disability, special learning needs, economic background, or other factors that should not be predictors of success. (O-SS-1)
  • Students master the foundational skills of reading, writing, and mathematics. (O-SS-2)
  • Students achieve or exceed standards on proficiency and readiness assessments by grade level and subject area (reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies). (O-SS-3)
  • Students have equitable access and opportunity across all school programs. (O-SS-4)
  • Students experience at least one level of growth each year. (O-SS-5)
  • Students apply critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity in all subject areas. (O-SS-6)
  • Students earn passing scores on AP and IB exams. (O-SS-7)
  • Students participate in internships. (O-SS-8)
  • Students earn dual-enrollment college credits. (O-SS-9)

Additional Data

  • End of Year Assessments– Results on student achievement on standardized assessments including Standards of Learning tests in English, mathematics, science, and history. (VDOE School Quality Profiles)
  • College and Career Readiness – Results on the preparedness of graduates including the types of diplomas earned by students, graduation rates, students participating in advanced programs, students earning career and technical certifications and industry licenses, and postsecondary enrollment. (VDOE School Quality Profiles)
  • Student Growth in Reading and Math – Results on students passing state tests and non-passing students who are making significant progress toward passing. (VDOE School Quality Profiles)
  • SAT Scores – Results on APS students scores on the Scholastic Achievement Test (WABE Guide) (Open the file for the year of interest and click on SAT Scores in the index.)
  • Special Education – Results for Special Education students including graduation, dropouts, assessments, suspension/expulsion, least restrictive environment, and parental involvement. (VDOE Special Education Performance Report)