Second Chance is a three-day early intervention program for APS middle and high school students, designed to help students in the early stages of drug or alcohol use who are caught for the first time at school or by the police in possession or under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or other illegal drugs.
The program incorporates educational components that help students review their behavior, relationships, and knowledge to look for the links that led them to use prohibited substances. They also will learn skills to deal with peer pressure, learn about the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol, and develop an action plan to help them make healthy choices.
Students who are referred by the schools who, along with their parents, successfully complete the Program will not be suspended from school based on that incident. Participation in Second Chance is an excused absence and there will be no public record of the offense.
Parents who are concerned their teen is an “early experimenter” may voluntarily enroll their teen in the Program.