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Second Chance

Second Chance LogoSecond Chance is a three-day early intervention program for APS middle and high school students, designed to help students in the early stages of drug or alcohol use who are caught for the first time at school or by the police in possession or under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or other illegal drugs.

The program incorporates educational components that help students review their behavior, relationships, and knowledge to look for the links that led them to use prohibited substances. They also will learn skills to deal with peer pressure, learn about the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol, and develop an action plan to help them make healthy choices.

Students who are referred by the schools who, along with their parents, successfully complete the Program will not be suspended from school based on that incident. Participation in Second Chance is an excused absence and there will be no public record of the offense.

Parents who are concerned their teen is an “early experimenter” may voluntarily enroll their teen in the Program.

Program Format & Completion Requirements

3-Day Student Program

  • Monday – Wednesday, 8:45-3:45
  • Location: Syphax Education Center, 2110 Washington Boulevard
  • Bring a bag lunch – Food will not be provided

Parent/Guardian Program

Wednesday evening of the teen program, 6:30-9:30 p.m. and Saturday morning immediately following teen program, 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

Parent/Guardian Session Topics:

  • Reviewing the effects of alcohol on adolescent brain development.
  • Recognizing signs and symptoms of substance use.
  • Communicating effectively and setting clear limits and expectations.

3-Hour Booster Session

Students and their Parent/Guardian MUST attend this session together. It is scheduled on a Monday evening approximately 6 weeks after completion of the Student Workshop and Parent/Guardian Sessions. A light dinner will be provided.

Booster Session topics for Students and Parents/Guardians:

  • Reviewing the action plan
  • Identifying and evaluating changes
  • Discussing barriers to positive change and identifying strategies for overcoming them

Program Completion Requirements

  • Student must attend the entire 3-day program and booster session
  • Parent/guardian must attend the parent program and booster session
  • Referral sources (school, court, parent) will be notified upon successful/unsuccessful completion of program for appropriate action

Absence from school

  • Participation in the program is an excused absence
  • Students and parents/guardians are responsible for notifying schools and students for making up missed school work


Second Chance Arlington

Phone: 202-321-3369

More Information

Second Chance partners include Arlington Public Schools; Arlington County Government—Police and Department of Human Services; Arlington Juvenile and Domestic Courts; the Arlington Partnership for Children, Youth and Families; the Arlington READY Coalition; the Partnership for a Healthier Arlington; Commonwealth’s Attorney; and Northern Virginia Family Service.