Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal dollars.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal dollars.
Arlington Public Schools provides equal educational opportunities and working and learning environments that are free of discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity or expression. Arlington Public Schools designs its educational facilities, programs and activities from an equity-based perspective, to meet the varying needs of all students.
School/Program | Name | Title | Phone | |
Arlington Career Center | Bowerman, Rachel | Asst. Principal | rachel.bowerman@apsva.us | 703-228-5800 |
Arlington Community High School | Allen, Jeannette | Asst. Principal | jeannette.allen@apsva.us | 703-228-8233 |
Dorothy Hamm | Moore, Lisa | Asst. Principal | lisa.moore@apsva.us | 703-228-2916 |
Gunston | Bruce, Dr. Kevon | Director of Counseling | Kevon.bruce@apsva.us | 703-228-6912 |
H-B Woodlawn | Seche, Kate | Asst. Principal | kate.seche@apsva.us | 703-228-6363 |
Kenmore | Bresnahan, Katlin | Director of Counseling | kaitlin.bresnahan@apsva.us | 703-228-6806 |
Langston/New Directions | Jackson, Kimberly | Principal | Kimberly.jackson@apsva.us | 703-228-5294 |
Shriver | Hewan, George | Principal | george.hewan@apsva.us | 703-228-6440 |
Swanson | Loft, Bridget | Principal | bridget.loft@apsva.us | 703-228-5505 |
TJMS | Hanson, Robert | Asst. Principal | robert.hanson@apsva.us | 703-228-5895 |
Wakefield | Barnes, Brandi | Dean | brandi.barnes@apsva.us | 703-228-6674 |
Washington-Liberty | Baskin, Roger | Dean | Roger.Baskin@apsva.us | 703-228-6245 |
Williamsburg | Koutsouftikis, John | Asst. Principal | john.koutsouftikis@apsva.us | 703-228-5450 |
Yorktown | Jenkins, Juanice | Dean | juanice.jenkins@apsva.us | 703-228-5432 |
School/Program | Name | Title | Phone | |
Abingdon | Oliveira, Anne | Asst. Principal | anne.oliveira@apsva.us | 703-228-6650 |
Arlington Science Focus | Sokolove, Eric | Asst. Principal | eric.sokolove@apsva.us | 703-228-7670 |
Arlington Traditional School | Podbelski, Sam | Principal | sameul.podbelski@apsva.us | 703-228-5942 |
Ashlawn | Holly Vesilind | Asst. Principal | holly.vesilind@aspva.us | 703-228-5270 |
Barcroft | Flores, Marcelo | Asst. Principal | alvaro.flores@apsva.us | 703-228-5838 |
Barrett | Littman, Amin | Asst. Principal | amin.littman@apsva.us | 703-228-4722 |
Campbell | Anselmo, Karen | Asst. Principal | karen.anselmo@apsva.us | 703-228-8447 |
Cardinal | Brown, Colin | Principal | colin.brown@apsva.us | 703-228-5280 |
Carlin Springs | Enis Al Majeed | Asst. Principal | enis.almajeed@apsva.us | 703-228-6645 |
Claremont | Wales-Smith, Erin | Asst. Principal | erin.walessmith@apsva.us | 703-228-2513 |
Discovery | Seeber, Judy | Asst. Principal | judith.seeber@apsva.us | 703-228-2685 |
Dr. Charles Drew | Welch, James | Asst. Principal | James.Welch@apsva.us | 703-228-5825 |
Alice West Fleet | Ward, Rebecca | Asst. Principal | rebecca.ward@apsva.us | 703-228-5820 |
Glebe | Clarke-Marshall, Ingrid | Asst. Principal | i.clarkemarshall@apsva.us | 703-228-6280 |
Hoffman-Boston | Autumn Workman | Asst. Principal | autumn.kenney@apsva.us | 703-228-2226 |
Innovation | Peters, Claire | Principal | claire.peters@apsva.us | 703-228-2700 |
Jamestown | Roache, Dr. Monica | Asst. Principal | monica.roache@apsva.us | 703-228-5275 |
Escuela Key | Wilson Ramirez | Asst. Principal | wilson.ramirez@apsva.us | 703-228-4210 |
Long Branch | Deitra Pulliam | Asst. Principal | deitra.pulliam@apsva.us | 703-228-4220 |
Montessori Public | Nashid, Yoland | Asst. Principal | yolanda.nashid@apsva.us | 703-228-8871 |
Nottingham | Lynch, Dr. Megan | Asst. Principal | megan.Lynch@apsva.us | 703-915-1974 |
Oakridge | Wright, Lynne | Principal | Lynne.Wright@apsva.us | 703-228-5840 |
Randolph | Paula Davis | Asst. Principal | paula.davis@apsva.us | 703-228-8191 |
Taylor | Sherman, Caitlin | Asst. Principal | Caitlin.Sherman@apsva.us | 703-228-6275 |
Tuckahoe | Maurer, Michele | Asst. Principal | michele.maurer@apsva.us | 703-228-5288 |
Sedrick Ross, Title IX Coordinator
Arlington Public Schools
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Student Support
2110 Washington Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22204