To maintain fiscal integrity, public confidence, and wise stewardship of taxpayer resources, the Budget Advisory Council
- makes recommendations on policies and practices related to the presentation and preparation of the operating budget and the financial management of the school system
- makes recommendations to the School Board on budget priorities
- advises on the degree to which the Superintendent’s Proposed Budget supports best fiscal practices and the School Board’s priorities
- assists in educating the community about the budgeting process
- and provides, upon the Board’s request, study and recommendations on special topics or issues.
The Council is comprised of 15 Arlington citizens who are not APS employees and who exhibit a broad range of interests, including knowledge and interest in budget matters. Membership is for two-year terms and no more than six years on the Council. The School Board may invite various civic organizations to suggest persons for membership on the Council. Additionally, the County Council of PTAs, the Advisory Council on Instruction and the Civic Federation each may nominate a representative to the Council.
The Budget Advisory Council meets on the second Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise indicated, from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at the Arlington Public Schools Syphax Education Center, 2110 Washington Blvd in conference room 258 (unless otherwise indicated below).
You may call the Finance & Management Services office at 703-228-7652 for any additional information.