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Activities For Young Children

Cooking With Your Kids

With your close supervision, cooking can be a fun, engaging way for children to develop skills such as language, numerical concepts, motor control, self-regulation, and cooperation. It’s also a great way to get sensory input.

  • America’s Test Kitchen: This website has a collection of more than 150 recipes, experiments, hands-on activities, and quizzes for children.


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Quiet Time

Children and parents need some quiet time each day to recharge and relax.​ Here are some quiet play activities:

  • Looking at books (together and alone)​
  • Coloring
  • Play-doh
  • Puzzles and block building
  • Pretend play with stuffed animals, dolls, trains, cars, or kitchen items for “playing house”​
  • Consider creating a quiet space for kids​ with calming activities in a basket in a calm corner in the house​. You can build a makeshift tent with blankets and pillows or just pillows. Make it inviting and peaceful​. This is not an area of punishment but an area to seek peace and control​.

Activities in Washington, D.C.