Every two years, the School Board adopts a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that addresses APS capital needs—investments needed to improve or enhance the infrastructure of our schools—over the next ten years. The CIP includes major capital projects, such as new schools and school additions, as well as major maintenance and minor construction projects.
Adopted FY 2025-34 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
FY 2025-34 Capital Improvement Plan Report
This CIP prioritizes investments to our existing facilities as well as continuing projects approved in the previous CIP. APS’ enrollment growth has stabilized, and the school division is not experiencing the rapid growth that occurred in the last ten (10) years. This allows APS to turn its attention on building the Grace Hopper Center, approved in the last CIP, finalizing the remaining phases of the current Career Center Campus, and beginning the major infrastructure projects and feasibility studies identified in the Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) Report based on the approved methodologies for prioritizing facilities.
The 2025-34 CIP aligns with the APS’ Strategic Plan, Mission, Vision, and Core Values and the School Board CIP direction on December 14, 2023. *It supports:
- Continued investment to improve and upgrade our major infrastructure,
- Continued investment in ongoing projects,
- Investment in new projects, and
- Investments with Arlington County on joint initiatives and projects.
The CIP considers the APS Budget, enrollment projections and capacity utilization, guidance from the Office of Academics and School Support and the County’s capital project plans, and:
- Strengthens school safety by completing the remaining security vestibules and entrance renovation projects,
- Completes the renovation and modernization of kitchens,
- Completes the modernization of the internal APS STARS Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System, enhancing the efficiency of HR and finance services related to payroll, leave and other essential functions,
- Continues synthetic turf fields replacement and conversion projects,
- Completes The Heights Phase 2 project making the campus universally accessible for all, and
- Completes Phases 1-3 of the Grace Hopper Center Campus to include a new, universally designed facility which offers state-of-the-art spaces to support current and new program instruction, a parking structure, field and site work.
In addition, this CIP will support executing the Long-Range Plan to Renovate Existing Facilities and data presented in the Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) Report for five (5) feasibility studies based on the approved methodologies at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, Taylor Elementary School, Barrett Elementary School, Swanson Middle School and Randolph Elementary.
FY 2023 - 2032 Capital Improvement Plan Development
Adopted FY 2023-32 Capital Improvement Plan
The FY 2023-32 CIP is the first CIP in a decade that is not primarily reacting to increased student enrollment, instead focusing on APS student success and well-being. In order to provide students with high-quality instructional environments that support their learning, this CIP specifically prioritizes annual and consistent investment to improve and upgrade the school division’s existing infrastructure and a plan to build the long-awaited new facility at the Arlington Career Center.
This CIP outlines how APS plans continuing improvements and upgrades of current APS facilities as anon-going priority. Projects that enhance the health and safety of students comprise most of the outlined work. Upgraded kitchens will allow students to eat high-quality meals that include more fresh fruits and vegetables that are prepared on site. The entrance and security vestibule updates will comply with current safety and security standards while ensuring all visitors check in at the main office.
Beyond projects identified today, the CIP lays the needed groundwork to evaluate buildings and determine future renovation work. APS’s capital planning process allows the school division to revisit the CIP every other year and adjust the long-term plan as needed.
FY 2023 – 32 Capital Improvement Plan
Adopted FY 2023-32 Capital Improvement Plan: CIP Report | CIP Presentation
2022 School Bond Referendum Information
On Election Day, November 8, Arlington voters will vote on $165.01 million in school bonds to improve and upgrade existing school infrastructure. The school bonds ensure APS school facilities are maintained and updated to meet the changing needs of students, support high-quality education, and invests in APS facilities because they serve a dual role as community assets utilized for various community purposes.
The school bonds will fund the first two years of the FY 2023-32 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), which outlines how APS plans continuing improvements and upgrades of current APS facilities as an on-going priority. If approved, the school bonds will allow the Arlington community to pay for long-term investments that spread the cost among current and future taxpayers who will benefit from the investments made in APS schools funded through school bonds. The $165.01 million school bond referendum will be used to fund the following projects:
Major Infrastructure Projects Funding: $16.8 Million – Major infrastructure projects that include HVAC, Electrical, Lighting, Roofing, and Windows.
- Escuela Key roof replacement
- Hoffman-Boston HVAC replacement
- LED lighting upgrades at various school sites
Entrance/Security Vestibules & Kitchen Renovations Funding: $16.36 Million – Kitchen renovations and entrance/security vestibule updates to meet current safety and security standards and to provide healthy meals prepared onsite for students. ($4.12 million was already included in the 2021 School Bond Referendum)
- Entrance/Security Vestibules: Jefferson, Hoffman-Boston, Long Branch, Taylor, Kenmore, Langston, Williamsburg, and Washington-Liberty
- Entrance/Security Vestibules & Kitchen Renovations: Campbell and Swanson
Arlington Career Center Project Funding: $135.97 Million – Arlington Career Center Project to construct a modern facility, which is the only remaining APS high school that has not been modernized, to support student learning for full-time Arlington Career Center (ACC) students and students from all APS high schools who are enrolled in Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses at the ACC.
For additional information or questions about the 2022 School Bond Referendum, please email engage@apsva.us.
2022 School Bond FAQs: English | Spanish | Amharic | Arabic | Mongolian
Previous CIPs
Previous CIPs
FY 2022 – 2024 Capital Improvement Plan
Adopted FY 2022 Capital Improvement PlanFind out more about how the FY 2022-24 CIP was developed
FY 2021 Capital Improvement Plan
The FY 2021 Capital Improvement Report includes the School Board’s motion to adopt the FY 2021 CIP (see Appendix A) and a table that provides an overview of every approved CIP project, their cost, and bond issuance timeline (see page 8). Adopted FY 2021 Capital Improvement Plan2020 School Bond FAQ I Bono Escolar 2020 | 2020 የትምህርት ቤት ቦንድ | 2020 оны Сургуулийн бонд | سندات مالية مدرسية لعام 2020
FY 2019 – 2028 Capital Improvement Plan
- FY 2019-2028 Capital Improvement Plan
- 2018 School Bond FAQ | Bono Escolar 2018
- FY 2019-2028 CIP Development
FY 2017 – 2026 Capital Improvement Plan
FY 2015 – 2024 Capital Improvement Plan
- FY 2015-2024 Capital Improvement Plan
- FAQ About the 2016 School Bond
- On Election Day, November 8, 2016, Arlington voters will be asked whether to approve $138,830,000 in School Bonds to address growing capacity needs throughout Arlington County.
- Find out more about the Bond:2016 School Bond FAQ | El Bono Escolar 2016 en español