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Library Services Family Survey


Library Services is seeking feedback from families about how students use their school’s library to improve the delivery of services and resources in the future. The survey also evaluates the familiarity students and families have with the services available at their school’s library. The responses from the survey will assist with the ongoing Library Services program evaluation. All survey responses will be kept confidential, and only the aggregated results will be shared with the community.

Library Services Family Survey 

The survey is available to be completed until February 10, 2023. There are two links to complete the survey based on if a student attends an elementary school (PreK – Grade 5) or secondary school (Grades 6 – 12). Please complete one survey for each school a student attends.

Elementary Family Survey Link: https://survey.k12insight.com/r/LibElemParents

Secondary Family Survey Link: https://survey.k12insight.com/r/LibSecParents

Program Evaluations 

On a regular basis, APS programs and services are evaluated by Planning & Evaluation to assess program evaluation and outcomes with the goal of facilitating continuous improvement. The multi-year, comprehensive evaluation process consists of multiple methods of data collection, including opportunities for stakeholder input. Previous program evaluation reports and the program evaluation reporting schedule are available online.

For additional information or questions, please contact Grace Wagner at 703-228-2421.