Page last updated on March 13, 2023
Status Updates | Background | Goals/Objectives | Timeline | Engagement | Resources | FAQs
Dual Language Immersion Program Framework – English | Spanish
- The program framework contains the recommendations from the Dual Language Immersion Task Force that was presented to the School Board in January 2022.
Click here for Task Force Meeting Dates, Presentations and Readings
Click on links below for additional program updates for Dual Language Language Immersion (NOT part of visioning process)
- Operational Changes for the 2021-22 school year
- Aligned 9 am start time for Claremont & Escuela Key
- Return to offering 4 Kindergarten classes at Claremont & Escuela Key
- Renaming Process for Escuela Key
- Elementary Feeder School Structure Committee: Dual Language Immersion Program
- On Dec. 2, 2021, the School Board approved the Superintendent’s recommended adjustments to the Elementary Dual Language Immersion feeders, effective school year 2022-23.
APS is continuing to develop the PreK-Adult Instructional Programs and Pathways (IPP) framework ( The IPP process will include a visioning process for the K-12 dual language immersion (DLI) program, scheduled to begin in February 2021 for completion by early 2022.
Status Update
- August, 2022 – Dual Language Immersion Program Framework – English |Spanish
- March 10, 2022– the School Board approved the Superintendent’s recommendation to move from a 50/50 partial dual language immersion to an 80/20 full early dual language immersion program starting in the fall of SY 2023-2024 with grades K and 1.
- Watch the presentation (Begins at 1:58:34) or view the presentation
- February 11, 2022– Additional Frequently Asked Questions about move to Full Early Dual Language Immersion
- February 4, 2022– School Talk Message & Flyer to DLI Community – TOPIC: DLI Task Force Recommendations, focusing on recommendation to move to Full Early Dual Language Immersion
- January 28, 2022– Responses to Questions from Escuela Key Community regarding DLI Task Force Recommendations
- January 20, 2022– School Board Information Item – DLI Task Force Recommendations
- Presentation Slides – English | Spanish | Spanish w/narration
- Meeting Recording (Presentation begins at 2:40:13) – 2 hrs 40 min 13 sec
- APS Dual Language Immersion Program Framework (DRAFT)
- December– Virtual Community Meetings with DLI community- Update on Dual Language Immersion Visioning Process
- Presentation Slides- English | Spanish
- Presentation Slides with Narration (Video file) – English | Spanish
- Dates of community meetings (will continue to be updated as additional dates/times are set)
- Escuela Key –
- WHEN: Thursday, December 9 – 8:30-9:00 am (Spanish) , 9:00-9:30 am (English)
- WHERE: Escuela Key Courtyard
- Meeting Recording
- Escuela Key –
- Oct. 26– Virtual Community Meeting – Update on Dual Language Immersion Visioning Process
- Topics: Brief history of Dual Language Immersion program in APS, goals of the visioning process, timeline, purpose of Task Force, program structure, staffing, marketing, assessment and accountability, instructional materials, professional learning
- Meeting Recording (Audio Only) | Presentation | Presentation (Spanish)
- Join Zoom Meeting Here
- Meeting ID: 894 3455 4269
- Passcode: 273746
- or Dial: 1 301 715 8592
- For simultaneous interpretation in Spanish: (UPDATED 10/25)
- Dial: 1-888-721-8686
- Then enter Conference ID: 489-042-3639
- Únase a Zoom Aquí
- Meeting ID: 894 3455 4269
- Passcode: 273746
- Marque: 1 301 715 8592
- Para interpretación simultánea en español: (UPDATED 10/25)
- Marque: 1-888-721-8686
- Después, marque el ID de la conferencia: 489-042-3639
- Oct. 14– School talk message to dual language immersion community, K-12 – TOPIC: Virtual Community Meeting on October 26, 2021 (7-8pm) – English | Spanish
- June 15 – Open Office Hour from 7-8 pm via Zoom – Presentation | Recording
- Staff shared a brief update on the visioning process, next steps, and provided an opportunity for community members to ask questions.
- June 9– School talk message to dual language immersion community, K-12 – TOPIC: Update on DLI Visioning Process and Elementary Feeder Structure Committee – English | Spanish
- May 2– School talk message to dual language immersion community, K-12 – TOPIC: Announcement of DLI Visioning Task Force and Elementary Feeder Structure Committee members – English | Spanish
- Apr. 21– School talk message to dual language immersion community, K-12 – TOPIC: Update on visioning process – English | Spanish
- Feb. 1 – School talk message to dual language immersion community, K-12 | English | Spanish
- Jan.14 Joint Claremont/Key PTA Meeting – Information on dual language immersion visioning process English | Spanish
- Jan.13– School talk message to dual language immersion community, K-12 | English | Spanish
- Jan.11 Information on dual language immersion visioning process shared with immersion staff at Claremont, Key, Gunston, WakefieldGunston & Wakefield PTA meetings (TBD)
The APS program evaluation for World Languages will be completed in February 2021 and provides a valuable source of data to inform the DLI visioning process. The visioning process is being led by Department of Teaching and Learning (DTL), World Languages Office, and Dual Language Immersion principals with support from Dept. of Planning and Evaluation. The visioning process will also include the Office of English Language Learners; Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer; Office of Equity and Excellence; teachers; advisory groups; PTAs; and families. In addition, APS staff will be working together with a prominent leader in the national immersion community, Rosa Molina, Executive Director of the Association of Two-Way Dual Language Education (ATDLE). In the last five years, Ms. Molina has helped lead more than 30 visioning processes across the nation for immersion programs. She is highly experienced and will be an integral part of the APS visioning process.
- Conduct an inclusive and collaborative process with the contributions of all stakeholders.
- Form a Task Force that leads the development of a Dual Language Framework, with input from all stakeholders, to strengthen the Dual Language Program according to Center of Applied Linguistics (CAL) Principles for Dual Language Immersion. This includes:
- Program structure
- Curriculum K-12
- Instruction
- Assessment and Accountability
- Staff Quality
- Professional Learning
- Family & Community Engagement
- Support & resources
- Program Structure
- Instructional model at elementary level
- Plan to increase course offerings for the DLI program at the secondary level
- Strategies to ensure biliteracy and bilingualism
- Schedules and PreK-12 pathways
2. Curriculum
- Aligned curriculum framework – what students should know and be able to do along the K-12 continuum.
- Resources for Spanish Language Arts
- Plan to increase course offerings for the DLI program at the secondary level
- Resources to increase engagement and mitigate program attrition
- Resources that promote development of biliteracy and bilingualism
- Resources to build cultural competency
3. Instruction
- Differentiation strategies to meet range of student learning needs
- Alignment of supports with Arlington Tiered System of Support, (ATSS) model
- Strategies that promote development of biliteracy and bilingualism
- Ensure consistency across schools with the implementation of best practice instructional strategies that promote biliteracy and bilingualism.
4. Assessment and Accountability
- Standardized assessments in Spanish (already exists in English) and implementation plan
- Strategies to close achievement gaps
5. Staff Quality
- Professional learning opportunities and collaborative structures to build staff capacity
- Strategies to recruit and retain diverse staff
6. Professional Learning
- Professional learning to address recommendations in the Dual Language Framework for APS
- Strategies to address program attrition
- Cultural competency
7. Family and Community Engagement
- Community engagement/Outreach strategies to:
- Educate community about benefits of DLI program
- Engage and generate interest in DLI program amongst groups who are under-represented in enrollment
- Engage groups who are over-represented in program attrition data
8. Support and Resources
- Spanish Language Arts resources
Timeline (Updated 4/21/2021)
Date | Immersion Visioning Process Activities | |
Jan. 2021 | ||
Feb. 2021 |
Feb. – May 2021 | ||
Apr. 2021 | ||
May – Dec. 2021 |
Nov. 2021 |
Dec. 2021 |
Jan. 20, 2022 |
Feb. 2022 |
Spr 2022 |
This comprehensive process included formation of a task force this Spring that includes community representatives, including those from Key, Claremont, Wakefield and Gunston. Staff will be updating and gathering input from the broader APS community throughout the visioning process. See timeline above for additional details and links to engagement events and materials.
- Updates to community at PTA meetings
- Virtual Community Meetings & Open Office Hours
- School Talk messages, social media posts, including Facebook Live video sessions
- Broader community engagement and input opportunities through IPP process in November 2021
World Language Program Evaluation –
In Feb. 2021, the World Language program evaluation was published. This evaluation included the Dual Language Immersion program. The webpage above includes links to multiple reports and analysis of the Dual Language Immersion program that will be used throughout the visioning process.
Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL): Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education – 3rd Edition
APS’s Dual-Language Immersion visioning process will culminate in a Dual Language Framework to strengthen the program according to Center of Applied Linguistics (CAL) Principles for Dual Language Immersion. The guiding principles were developed by dual language experts—practitioners, researchers, administrators, professional development specialists, and others—from across the country.
Dual Language Immersion Program –
Includes information about APS’s Dual Language Immersion Program including frequently asked questions about the dual language immersion program.
Dual Language Immersion Program Brochure –
VDOE – Dual Language Immersion Education:Supporting K-12 Implementation in Virginia –
Letter from Immersion PTA Presidents (February 28, 2020)
Letter from PTA Presidents at Escuela Key, Claremont, Gunston, and Wakefield with request that APS undertake a comprehensive PreK-12 Visioning Process for the Dual Language Immersion Program.